371 research outputs found

    Unit 6: Statistical Modeling. Counting process response data

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    Transparències de teoria de la part de modelització del Curs. Models per comptatges2021/2022

    Una enquesta de mobilitat en una ciutat espanyola de tamany mig: EMOZ'93

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    Report de treball DR96/03 vinculat al conveni C2204 - UPC-ALG,sa Les autoritats municipals conjuntament amb l’empresa explotadora del servei d’autobusos de la ciutat es va plantejar l’any 1.993 l’actualització i millora de la informació disponible sobre la mobilitat municipal, com a pas previ i necessari pel desenvolupament d’un Pla Estratègic de Millora del transport col•lectiu urbà. L’esperit anterior donà lloc al plantejament i execució d’una Enquesta de Mobilitat que es duu a terme durant la tardor del 1.993 i que d’ara en endavant s’anomena EMOZ’93. Els objectius específics que conduïren a la definició del qüestionari de l’Enquesta foren: • Quantificar la mobilitat urbana per modes de transport i períodes del dia en diferents dies tipus (feiners, dissabtes i festius) mitjançant matrius de mobilitat origen/destinació entre zones de transport. • Conèixer les motivacions i característiques de la mobilitat per modes de transport: autobús, vehicle privat, taxi, vehicle escolar o d’empresa i peu. • Desenvolupar i calibrar els models clàssics de demanda: generació/atracció de viatges, distribució de viatges i repartiment modal (peu-mecànics, autobús-vehicle privat, etc.). • Realitzar una anàlisi sòcio-econòmica de les característiques de la mobilitat urbana en funció de l’edat, el grau de motorització, el districte de residència, etc. • Detectar els segments de no usuaris del transport d’autobusos urbans i definir les possibilitats de captació. • Captar informació addicional d’interès municipal: disponibilitat de segon habitatge, dificultat percebuda d’aparcament al Centre, etc.Preprin

    Unit 4: Statistical modeling. Binary response data

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    Transparències de teoria de la part de modelització del Curs. Resposta Binària2021/2022

    Unit 3: Tools for the tactical level. Statistical modeling (part I)

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    Transparències de teoria de la part de modelització del Curs. Resposta normal2021/2022

    Introduction to R: EDA

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    Unit 5: Statistical modeling. Polytomous response data

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    Transparències de teoria de la part de modelització del Curs. Resposta Politòmica2021/2022

    A dynamic estimation of passenger OD matrices based on space-state models

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    Dynamic OD passenger matrices must be taken into account when designing robust public transport systems. The adjustment of these matrices is examined using passenger counts provided by a space-state model formulation in a demand-variable peak-period. The Kalman filter approach also incorporates ICT data, based on the detection of the electronic signature of on-board devices, thus providing a rich source of data that can be used in space-state models to simplify its formulation. It reduces the dimension of the state vector and allows a linear mapping between state variables and measurements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    The general traffic assignment problem: a proximal point method for equilibrium computation with applications to the demand adjustment problem

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    An adaptation of the proximal algorithm for the traffic assignment problem under a user equilibrium formulation for a general asymmetric traffic network is presented in this paper. It follows the recently published results of Pennanen regarding convergence under non monotonicity. As it is well known the problem can be formulated as a variational inequality and the algorithmic solutions developed up to date guarantee convergence only under too restrictive conditions which are difficult to appear in practice. In this paper it is also discussed the possibility of including the algorithm on a demand adjustment problem formulated as a bilevel program with lower level traffic equilibrium constraints expressed as a variational inequality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Computational framework for the estimation of dynamic OD trip matrices

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    Origin-Destination (OD) trip matrices describe traffic behavior patterns across the network and play a key role as primary data input to many traffic models. OD matrices are a critical requirement, in traffic assignment models, static or dynamic. However, OD matrices are not yet directly observable; thus, the current practice consists of adjusting an initial a priori matrix from link flow counts, speeds, travel times and other aggregate demand data, supplied by a layout of traffic counting stations. The availability of new traffic measurements from ICT applications offers the possibility to formulate and develop more efficient algorithms, especially suited for real-time applications. This work proposes an integrated computational framework in which an off-line procedure generates the time-sliced OD matrices, which are the input to an on-line estimator, whose sensitivity with respect to the available traffic measurements is analyzed.Origin-Destination (OD) trip matrices describe traffic behavior patterns across the network and play a key role as primary data input to many traffic models. OD matrices are a critical requirement, in traffic assignment models, static or dynamic. However, OD matrices are not yet directly observable; thus, the current practice consists of adjusting an initial a priori matrix from link flow counts, speeds, travel times and other aggregate demand data, supplied by a layout of traffic counting stations. The availability of new traffic measurements from ICT applications offers the possibility to formulate and develop more efficient algorithms, especially suited for real-time applications; whose efficiency depends, among other factors, on the quality of the seed matrix. This paper proposes an integrated computational framework in which an off-line procedure generates the time-sliced OD matrices, which are the input to an on-line estimator, whose sensitivity with respect to the available traffic measurements is analyzed.Preprin
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